From Nikos Buxeda

Yode was the most generous person I've ever met. He would always try to pay for dinner, even if he was between jobs or at a start up. One of the last times I saw him, when he was already very ill, he gave my son $100 for his birthday, and wouldn't take no for an answer.

As others have said, Yode was also all about raising up disadvantaged communities. I put him in touch with a Puerto Rican founder of one of the largest fund advisers in the US and he was happy like a kid at Christmas that a black first-time fund manager was being put in contact with a Puerto Rican founder of a large fund adviser by a Puerto Rican partner at one of the largest law firms in the world. He could see change slowly coming, and was so happy about it.

Yode also managed to make and keep more friends than anyone I've known. As we grow older, our social circles tend to shrink (at least mine have) to immediate family, as work takes up ever more time. Somehow, he kept those relationships going, as seen by all the people at his memorial.

Amazing friend, amazing life.


From Tarah Malhotra-Feinberg


From Terrence Gatling